mysticism in the american society

why the demonics run folks out of money


sex attacks victim while feeling depressed.  If no depressed state, artificially create a depressed or a super depressed state using mood state control.

while in a depressed state, attack the victim using demonic sex attacks

try and create a subserviant mental state due to not having enough money to pay bills. That is try and tell the victim to be a servant/slave or second rate citizen due to not having enough money which is illogical since

the are the ones altering, monitoring, and controlling the victims spending money to ensure that there is no money and then using the lack of money as mentioned above.


Mental attack - mentioned above

physical attack - pull on the right knee muscle causing pain in walking or running, bloating of the stomach

media - using the media and the photographs in the media to highlight a have and have not show to match the lack of money they cause with the victim

money stalking - monitoring the victims bill and causing the victim to not pay bills

food stalking - upsetting food that the victim has with cooking disorders, that is making the food look like slop or disgusting..